The Anthropology of the Anthropocene Workshop is Almost Here


Anthropology of the Anthropocene ConferenceNext week, the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute will host the workshop, Anthropology of the Anthropocene: Structures, Theories, Practices. It will bring together anthropologists and leading thinkers in related disciplines who have been tackling the sociocultural frameworks and experiences of the Anthropocene. The goal of the meeting is to address large multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary questions about anthropology’s role in the understanding the Anthropocene and to examine how new research methods might advance current theoretical and applied frameworks.

The core framing questions for the workshop are

  1. In what ways are anthropological methods, theories, and practices responsive to the Anthropocene?
  2. How do we bridge disciplinary boundaries to advance critical and timely sociocultural research on changing earth systems and the human experience?
  3. How are we preparing the next generation of researchers with the right tools, frameworks, and language to design relevant ethnographies?
  4. What should a publicly engaged Anthropology of the Anthropocene look like?

We have a fantastic group of participants, including

  • Maria Rebecca Ballestra Artist
  • Dominic Boyer, PhD Professor of Anthropology | Founding Director of CENHS | Rice University
  • Eduardo Brondizio, PhD Professor of Anthropology and Director of CASEL | Indiana University
  • Alejandro Camargo, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow | Department of Geography | University of Montreal
  • Jim Enote Director of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center | Zuni Tribe Member
  • Ananya Ghoshal, PhD Academic Fellow | Forum on Contemporary Theory, India
  • Ignatius Gutsa, PhD Lecturer in the Department of Sociology | University of Zimbabwe
  • Cymene Howe, PhD Professor of Anthropology | Rice University
  • Sue Jackson, PhD Australian Rivers Institute | Griffith University | Geography
  • Mark Kesling, MS Museum Design | Founder and CEO, The daVinci Pursuit
  • Jason Kelly, PhD Director, IUPUI Arts & Humanities Institute | Associate Professor of History
  • George Marcus, PhD University of California, Irvine | Anthropology
  • Fiona McDonald, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher | IUPUI Arts & Humanities Institute
  • Amelia Moore, PhD Sustainable Coastal Tourism | University of Rhode Island
  • Phil Scarpino, PhD Professor and Director of Public History | IUPUI Philip Scarpino
  • Paul Stoller, PhD Westchester University | Anthropology

Over the course of the workshop, we will posting regular updates, including interviews with workshop attendees. Please stay tuned by visiting our website,

This workshop has been organized by  Dr. Fiona McDonald and Jason M. Kelly with generous support from the Indiana University New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities Grant Program and The Wenner-Gren Foundation.