Jason M. Kelly, “The Anthropocene and Transdisciplinarity,” Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 1, no. 1 (2014): 91-96


From the early 2000s, the term “anthropocene” circulated widely in both academic and journalistic circles. By 2008, a group of scientists argued that the anthropocene was a useful concept for denoting the measurable impacts of humanity on the planet. They submitted a proposal to the Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London, lobbying for an official geological designation (Zalasiewicz et al. 2008). The Earth, they argued, had emerged from the Holocene; humanity was now living in the anthropocene.Scholars from across the disciplines quickly discovered the term to be pliant, popular, and therefore useful for a host of different claims and theoretical constructs . . . [scribd id=253285430 key=key-vDGTPTCVtg3Wod1NYQYV mode=scroll]